Friday, February 25, 2011

Meaning An Intention

From Umar bin Khattab ra, Rasulullah SAW said:

"Every charitable act depends on the intentions and every person will get the reward according to his intention. So whoever emigrated with the intention of seeking worldly advantage or for marrying a woman, then the (reward) hijrahnya accordance with that intention." (Narrated by Bukhari)


Prophet Muhammad said this tradition when he migrated to Yathrib or Medina. When it spread an information that there is someone who emigrated because of chasing women join her fiance. Her name was Umm Qais. So at that time famous for a term muhajjir Umm Qais, or who emigrated because of Umm Qais. The intention is usually interpreted as the inner vibration to determine the type of worship that we do.

For example, if we perform prayers at 5:30, there are several possibilities; prayer Syukrul Ablution, Mosque Tahiyatul prayer, Fajr prayer, Istikharah, or pray Fajr. There are at least six possibilities. We see it all the same, the same movement, reading together, rakaatnya same, but there is one that distinguishes it is the intention. Issues included the intention of one of the issues that get attention "serious" in Islamic studies.

Intention is discussed at length whether it is in the science of fiqh, usul fiqh, or morals. In the science of jurisprudence, the intention is placed as the first of a series of pillars of worship, as in prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage. Intention in the Principles of Fiqh usually identified as one factor that determines the legal status of any deed. Marriage is one such example. He can be mandatory status, illegitimate, and voluntary, depending on the intentions of wedlock.

Similarly, when someone uses the title after returning from the Mecca pilgrimage, the law can be mandatory, can be voluntary, and even illegitimate. Its level depends on the intention to what he wore the title of "haji. Intention in moral standpoint indicates its understanding more inner vibration that determines the quantity of a charity. Prayers are we doing with the same number of cycles, same time, and reading the same, the assessment may vary from one person to another depending on the quality of his intentions.

Intention of the highest quality is called sincere, while the intention of the lowest quality is referred riya or sum'ah, namely worship because they expect something other than the pleasure of Allah. Prophet Muhammad never expressed concern about something that later could infect people.

He also said:

"Surely there is something I am afraid of something that I fear most will happen to my people, that is small shirk."

The Companions asked: "Is that little shirk?"

He replied: "riya."

In a hadith narrated also that in the Hereafter there will be a group of people who complain, scrambling, and crying.

They said, "O God in the world we are diligent to pray, but we note as a person who does not want to pray".

The angel replied:

"Do not you remember when you pray you do not expect the pleasure of Allah, but you expect praise from men, if that's what you want, find a man that you expect praise for it."

Clearly, the quality of a charity is directly proportional to the quality of intentions that lie behind them.

If our intention is straight, then straight all our charity. But if our intention crooked, then the charity we will be crooked. In order for our intentions always straight and sincere, it would be nice if we are reliving the promises that we always say at prayer, "Verily prayer, ibadahku, life, and my death are for God cried all the worlds". And Allaah knows best-bish shawab.


  1. Extremely true, sincere means doing thing without conditions...but ONLY for the sake of REDHA ALLAH. May Allah bless us..
